Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ethan, Alex, and Ian

A few months ago, there was a draw at a local event that I sponsor, for a free photoshoot. This gentleman won, who came to me shortly after saying thanks, and how he hates having his picture taken (great yea? lol) So my friends Ethan and Alex (previously shot) offered to pose with him to make him feel more comfortable.

Alex and Ethan are amazing when it comes to concepts. We decided to do a post apocalyptic theme in the room next to Ethan's. This is what we did.

So I also took some time to do some shots of the lovely Lady Myers and Ethan because they are just too damn cute!!

I do have more images coming soon.. I just bought a new mac, and am using the new system, as well as CS4 so I have alot of catching up, and learning to new.. (note: CS4 camera raw is to die for!)

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