Monday, March 22, 2010

Seeking Bikes and Cars

Hey folks!

With the warm weather on us, (horray for early spring!) there have been a handful of bikes and old school cars on the road which, for those who know me, makes for a very happy Kelly!

I am interested in doing more auto and bike shots this year. With and without models. So I am currently seeking people who wish to have their pride and joy's photographed. If you have a unique bike or car, or one that you just can't help show off, throw me an email at or to set up shooting time. Please include info about your ride, or if you can a photograph!

Also feel free to ask about including models into shots. I have a long list of people who are always up for shooting and would be more than happy to pose with your ride!

Happy Riding Folks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If ya ever need a bike for a portfolio shot you can certainly have use of the R1 if you ever need one for shooting :)